Groin Injuries: How A Urologist Can Help A Man Suffering From Painful Urination
Urination is a necessary process that helps individuals eliminate wastewater from their kidneys. However, some men may experience trouble urinating after a severe groin injury and fear the worst. Thankfully, a urologist can help a man better understand what is happening and provide the insight they need for recovery.
Understanding Urination Problems After a Groin Injury
A severe blow to the groin is not only excruciating for men but can also damage the tissues in this area. The penis and testicles are sensitive organs, and too much impact damage can cause severe problems that may make it hard for a man to urinate. These include:
- Narrowed Urinary Tract: A man expels urine through the urinary tract, a narrow tube that flows to the tip of the penis. A heavy blow to this area may cause the tract to narrow or close, causing severe pain and urination problems. A urologist can diagnose this problem quickly and provide therapies to open the tube, such as various medications, physical therapy, and minor surgeries.
- Scar Tissue Blockage: When muscles and tendons get damaged in the groin, scar tissue may develop in these regions. Unfortunately, scar tissue may block the urinary tract and increase a man's risk of complications. Urologists can help remove this scar tissue and make urination easier to handle.
- Internal Bleeding: Severe damage to the groin may trigger internal bleeding that may make urination painful and threaten a man's life. If they urinate blood or feel excessive pain that worsens with time, they must visit an emergency room and get help from a high-quality urologist to recover fully.
- Bladder-Control Issues: In some cases, a severe groin impact may affect how well a bladder operates and make it inconsistent. It may decide not to work for long stretches and then suddenly work too aggressively. A urologist can diagnose and treat this problem via surgery and other treatments.
In some situations, these health issues can be potentially deadly, such as if urine builds up in a bladder too much and damages tissues. However, a urologist can quickly diagnose a man's groin problems, provide high-quality care that minimizes his suffering, and ensure that they urinate correctly.
Finding a Skilled Urologist
Men worried about a groin injury caused by a sporting event or another issue should immediately contact a urologist for help. There could be a real problem with their groin, including their penis and bladder, that must be managed ASAP to minimize their risk of infections or other concerns. Finding one requires working with a primary caregiver who understands a man's health and complications.
For more information, contact a urologist near you.