Finicky Eater? What You Can Do to Ensure Your Little One Is Getting Their Nutrients
It can be difficult to get your young one to eat properly. Children can be especially finicky and it can be downright exhausting to try and get your child to eat a healthy meal. With so many unhealthy options out there, it's hard to deal with but it's up to you as a parent to get your child to get the proper nutrients in their diet each day. There are tricky ways to get your child to eat their vegetables or get adequate protein in their diet. Read on for a few things you can do to get your picky eater to eat a healthy diet.
Make Smoothies
Get vegetables and fruits in your child's tummy by making a healthy smoothie each day. You can benefit from these smoothies as well, and it can give your child their daily intake of vegetables, fruit, and even some protein as well. Your smoothies can vary, but be sure to include healthy foods to ensure your child is getting the health benefits, in addition to the good taste.
Try giving your child a smoothie mixed with leafy greens (such as kale or spinach), a fruit, and a liquid (such as juice or milk), along with ground flaxseed. Your child will think it's a yummy treat, rather than something healthy. The leafy greens and fruit provide vitamins and minerals, the milk can give your child protein and calcium, and the flaxseed gives your child protein and fiber.
Shred Vegetables
Shred vegetables and put them with rice or mixed in with other things such as macaroni and cheese. You can also puree vegetables and mix them with applesauce. If you sneakily hide the vegetables, your child is sure to get them in their bellies, but without the fight of trying to convince your child to eat them, or sitting for hours on end trying to get your child to eat their veggies.
Sneak In Protein
Protein doesn't just come from meat. If your child has an issue with the texture of meat or is a lazy chewer, it can be difficult to get them to eat meat. You can give your child protein in other ways as well. Peanut butter or other nut butter options are a good source of protein, as are eggs. If your child will eat eggs, they can get their protein from them instead of meat.
If your child is a finicky eater, you can get him the nutrients he needs, but you may have to do some extra work. Keep trying to introduce new foods to your child, and new ways to get your child to eat properly. For more information on child development, contact a local pediatrician.